C4 Financial announces that it has placed a $3,500,000 dollar loan on a refinance of a 34,400 sq ft strip center in Lebanon, OH.

Working on behalf of the borrower, Martin Eisele secured the debt with a local bank. The financing allowed the borrower to refinance with cash out for other debt and future repairs or investments.

C4 Financial exists to provide the most comprehensive financing packages for commercial real estate projects. Our network of banking relationships, institutional lenders, and life insurance companies allow us to offer the most competitive financing options to our clients. C4 Financial was founded as a way to facilitate integration between investors of all sizes with the lending institutions that provide the best financing avenues. C4 Financial is a corporation that works on maintaining hands on, one on one approach to investor financing.

For more information, please contact:

Martin Eisele


513-247-7859 Office

513-888-7927 Cell